I use to go to the mountains to check place where to play. The places have to be on high altittude (1000 m above the sea more or less) and have to have a huge overview over a big extension of landscape. The first 4 sessions where done in mountains around Catalonia, those four sesions where performed in a continuous chain of mountains that goes paralely to the coast of Catalonia.
When I chose the places I bring there a sound equipment, laptops and speakers, and aswell a electricity generator runed with gasoline. The thing is to play in a improvitsated way electronic sounds processed digitally. Then when the sessions it’s over I recorded in 8 cds that are placed inside an hermetic plastic recipient (tupperware). Afterwards I hide the tupperware in the same place where I did the sesion and I keep the coordinates of the place with a GPS device. At home I hung on the net those coordinates so if you want you can check it and go to the place to listen the sesions. The exact location and the profile information of each tupperware it’s placed at www.geocaching.com.