miércoles, julio 30, 2008


De la idea de produir música electrònica en un espai descontextualitzat per a aquest tipus de producció, Talaies Sonores neix com a projecte que engloba tota una sèrie de propostes i pulsions personals.

Talaies Sonores, és un projecte que pretén portar la música electrònica a un camp i un espai fora del comú. La idea es establir nous diàlegs i trencar amb la separació existent entre tecnología i natura.

El projecte busca alhora denunciar les actuals estratègies de difussió, promoció i producció musicals que tant mal fan a projectes i propostes minoritàries de caire sonor. Es tracta de construír canals alternatius de difussió de projectes sonors ayunitas del mainstream del món de la música.

A Talaies Sonores hi entra també la voluntat d’experimentar a través de la pràctica i la obstaculització dels habituals procesos de producció sonora. TS busca provocar un esforç tant en el productor sonor com en l’espectador o oient. Busca generar una complicació alhora de consumir música. D’aquesta manera el que es busca es recuperar el valor del producte sonor tant devaluat en els últims temps per l’ascéns dels sistemas de descàrrega d’arxius que Internet proporciona.


Many of the live sets by Mensa are settled inside Talaies Sonores Project. That’s my main project. The proposal consists in prepare, produce and play experimental sound sessions on the open air, surrounded of nature. I use to go to the mountains to check place where to play. The places have to be on high altitude (1000 m above the sea more or less) and have to have a huge overview over a big extension of landscape. The first 4 sessions where done in mountains around Catalonia, those four sessions where performed in a continuous chain of mountains that goes parallel to the coast of Catalonia.

When I chose the places I bring there a sound equipment, laptops and speakers, and as well a electricity generator run with gasoline. The thing is to play in a improvitsated way electronic sounds processed digitally. Then when the sessions it’s over I recorded in 8 cds that are placed inside an hermetic plastic recipient (tupperware). Afterwards I hide the tupperware in the same place where I did the session and I keep the coordinates of the place with a GPS device. At home I hung on the net those coordinates so if you want you can check it and go to the place to listen the sessions. The exact location and the profile information of each tupperware it’s placed at www.geocaching.com.

[Audiotalaia Netlabel.

AudioTalaia Homelabel it's a space to develop, publish and release works on experimental electronic music. The label was born from the Edu Comelles project, "Talaies Sonores". Translated on the english as Sound Overview, the aim was to play on open spaces electronic experimental music.
Audiotalaia seeks for artists interested on developing their projects on sound landscapes. We look after large and steady sound, pads, drones and reverbered objects. We enjoy listening wide open sound structures with a digitalized root or using field recordings, you can listen to the different releases to figure out what's the sound that audiotalaia looks after.

Take me to Audiotalaia Netlabel.


email: educomelles@gmail.com
telf: +34 650 691 748